Friday, March 27, 2015

Oh, Interwebs!

More pictures of bliss at Pleated Jeans (because we all love to see someone happy).
Welcome to my periodic round-up of things I've found online that make me smile, cry, laugh, think, shout, or drop my jaw. 


Nope. Nope. Alllll the nopes. It actually reminds me of the chapter in which Pooh Goes Visiting and Gets Stuck in a Very Tight Place.

It is impossible to read the comments on a recipe blog without thinking about this hysterical post on The Toast: Every Comment on Every Recipe Blog.
“I don’t eat white flour, so I tried making it with raw almonds that I’d activated by chewing them with my mouth open to receive direct sunlight, and it turned out terrible. This recipe is terrible.”
Think they're exaggerating? Check out the comments on this recipe for kheer (Indian rice pudding).


Check out these composite pictures of relatives.  The ones that combine a male and female face kind of freak me out because they look so plausible! (Some of them.)


Yes! I have had the same problem with any movie version of the book: Lolita is NOT the problem!

here are nabokov’s original instructions for the book cover:
I want pure colors, melting clouds, accurately drawn details, a sunburst above a receding road with the light reflected in furrows and ruts, after rain. And no girls. … Who would be capable of creating a romantic, delicately drawn, non-Freudian and non-juvenile, picture for LOLITA (a dissolving remoteness, a soft American landscape, a nostalgic highway—that sort of thing)? THERE IS ONE SUBJECT WHICH I AM EMPHATICALLY OPPOSED TO: ANY KIND OF REPRESENTATION OF A LITTLE GIRL.
and yet, the representations of the sexy little girl abound.


These surreal sculptures by Ellen Jewett are stunning. Here's one:


Approximately five percent of women who enter prison are pregnant. I had never really thought about what happens to the babies until I read this: The Prison System Welcomes My Newborn Niece to this World. (She's using "welcomes" very loosely.)
Our state has anti-shackling laws in place, preventing women from being chained to their hospital beds during labor. But that doesn't mean they can't be chained afterward.


Maybe he really should listen to those voices in his head.
"It started with just a word here and there, like 'prioritize' or 'organize,'" Henschler said. "Soon, the voices started giving me more detailed instructions, compelling me to 'create a comprehensive chart, ranking action-taking steps in order of importance,' and 'set hard-and-fast deadlines.'"

Read the story on The Onion.


And we'll leave you with this one. (Pretty sure it's staged, but she really owns it!)

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